
50 GB StorageUnlimited Transfer$285/mo
20 GB Storage2 TB Transfer$185/mo
5 GB Storage1 TB Transfer$95/mo
1 GB Storage250 GB Transfer$35/mo
I need more than 50 GB

No setup fees
No long term contracts
Unlimited number of Jobs, Logins, and Viewings
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed, no risk to try us out

We hate spam just like you do. Your information is safe with us, we will never share it with anyone.

Spaceland Communications

Box 1787, Burbank, CA 91507

Signup for PostSpots

Signing up is fast and easy, it's only 5 short steps.

After you signup here, you will receive an email with information on your login and how to get starting using your new PostSpots account.

Call us at 310.401.8178 or email

Step 1 of 5 - Contact Information